Privacy and Personal Data Protection in Serbia
Publisher: Partners for Democratic Change Serbia (Partners Serbia)
For the publisher: Ana Toskić Cvetinović
Editor: Uroš Mišljenović
Authors: Nina Nicović
Ana Toskić Cvetinović
Milica Tošić
Milica Marinković
Vlada Šahović
Damjan Mileusnić
Uroš Mišljenović
Translation: Vera Gojković
Proofreading: Emily Wright
Belgrade, 2022.
For the publisher: Ana Toskić Cvetinović
Editor: Uroš Mišljenović
Authors: Nina Nicović
Ana Toskić Cvetinović
Milica Tošić
Milica Marinković
Vlada Šahović
Damjan Mileusnić
Uroš Mišljenović
Translation: Vera Gojković
Proofreading: Emily Wright
Belgrade, 2022.
This publication was published with the financial assistance of the European Union. The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with Partners for Democratic Change Serbia, SHARE Foundation, Da se zna! (Let It Be Known) Association, Belgrade Open School, ATINA NGO and A11 Initiative, and the content should not be construed as reflecting the official positions of the European Union.