Rule of Law
We respond to the challenges and problems which arise from the inconsistent implementation of the principle of the division of powers in our society. Through clearly defined strategic goals we deal with the problems of inconsistent and selective implementation of the law, insufficiently built and strong institutions, lack of independent judiciary and inadequate and weak mechanisms of protection of human rights in Serbia and the region.
- Goal 1.
Consistent implementation of the principle of the division of powers and equal implementation of the law for all citizens of Serbia, by strengthening the capacity of the judiciary, monitoring its work, advocating in the decision-making process is and controlling the work of institutions of public government in Serbia.
- Goal 2.
Building and promoting mechanisms for prevention of violation and protection of human rights by conducting research, raising awareness of target audience, education and providing legal assistance to citizens, initiatives and the civil sector.
Democratic Infrastructure
Transparent and open work of public institutions and the existence of democratic procedures are a foundation for functioning of an organized political system. Active and engaged citizens, free, responsible and financially independent/sustainable media, are the foundation of infrastructure of each democratic society. By recognizing challenges in the abovementioned spheres, we are working on strengthening democratic infrastructure in Serbia.
- Goal 1.
Strengthening democratic processes in the society through active participation in the development of public policies and by advocating for a transparent and open work off public officials and decision-making processes.
- Goal 2.
Encourage citizen participation in decision-making process and defending the public interest, by promoting citizen participation, education and providing support to individuals, initiatives and civil society organizations.
- Goal 3.
Promotion of acknowledging the importance of public interest in media space of Serbia, by monitoring media content, supervising in controlling the work of regulatory bodies and advocating for respect and promotion of legal and ethical standards of media business, journalist profession and other actors in the media sphere.
Institutional and Organizational Development
Within our daily activities we strive to resolve the problem of insufficient organizational and human capacities in public, private and civil sector, which represents an obstacle for citizens access to more quality services as well as the services provided by institutions, business entities and civil society.
- Goal 1.
Optimization of capacities, business process is and the quality of products and services of public, private and civil sector by strengthening the competencies of the employed.
Conflict Management
As one of the first organizations in the region that deals with mediation and peaceful dispute resolution, within our daily activities we strive to solve the problem of lack of tolerance and dialogue in our society, which is, amongst others, reflected in the insufficient implementation of alternative and more Humane ways for resolving disputes and manage conflicts.
- Goal 1.
Promoting the culture of dialogue and tolerance in this society, by informing the public and private sector, as well as the citizens, about the advantages of mediation and other alternative dispute resolution methods.
- Goal 2.
Contribute to the development of the implementation of alternative dispute resolution, by advocating for further improvement of the regulatory and institutional framework in this area, and by educating the representatives of institutions, private sector and mediators.
- Goal 3.
Contribute to more efficient dispute resolution in the society, by providing mediation services, building internal mediation systems, organizing training and consultations.