Strengthening Citizens’ Trust in the Serbian Judiciary

Overall objective: Increase citizens’ trust in the Serbian judiciary, by strengthening transparency, accountability, and anticorruption standards, and establishing proactive relationships between judicial actors, media, and citizens.
Objective 1: To monitor and report on Serbian basic and higher courts and PPOs’ level of transparency in implementing their anti-corruption mandates and foster constructive engagement of 40 judicial actors, media, and citizens over one year.
Objective 2: Equip a cohort of 30 students of journalism from the Universities of Novi Sad, Nis, and Belgrade with the tools, skills, and knowledge required to report on challenges in the domain of transparency, openness, accountability, and anti-corruption; and engage over 100 students in defending these values through debates over one year.
Objective 3: Inform half a million Serbian citizens about judicial transparency and anti-corruption-related topic, their rights within the justice system, and available mechanisms for public engagement over one year.