Partners Serbia

Conference “10 Years of Partnering for Change”

Conference “10 Years of Partnering for Change”

Partners Serbia cordially invites you to the Conference on marking the 10 years of our organization’s work, which will be held on 2 November 2018, 10:00, Dorćol Platz, Dobračina 59, Belgrade. Our int...

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“10 Years Of Partnering for Change”

“10 Years Of Partnering for Change”

Partners Serbia has the great pleasure of marking the 10-Year Anniversary of our work. We plan to celebrate this momentous occasion with a series of activities scheduled for 1-2 November 2018, when...

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Business Breakfast “Commercial Mediation”

Business Breakfast “Commercial Mediation”

On the occasion of marking the 10th Anniversary of work, Partners Serbia, in cooperation with ADR Partners d.o.o, has a great pleasure of inviting you to Business Breakfast “COMMERCIAL MEDIATION – fro...

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Partners Serbia Welcomes Fulbright Scholar Oriana LaVilla

Partners Serbia Welcomes Fulbright Scholar Oriana LaVilla

Oriana LaVilla comes to Partners Serbia from PartnersGlobal in Washington, DC, where she managed US State Department grants focused on social cohesion, human rights, and civil society development in t...

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New Privacy Rules in the EU – Here Comes the GDPR

New Privacy Rules in the EU – Here Comes the GDPR

Illustration: Rian Johnson, director, Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi Taken from:@rianjohnson GDPR was enacted in 2016 with the aim to enhance privacy protection of EU residents. It particular...

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