Partners Serbia

Series of Training on Representing Clients in Mediation

Series of Training on Representing Clients in Mediation

Partners Serbia, in cooperation with the Vojvodina Bar Association and the Bar Association of Kragujevac, organized 2 two-day trainings on the topic “Mediation and Advocacy – Representing Clients in M...

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On-line Conflict Resolution

On-line Conflict Resolution

Graham Ross, member of UK Civil Justice Council ODR Advisory Group, delivers a presentation about on-line conflict resolution, in line with rising technologies and market needs....

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Basic Training for Mediators in Belgrade

Basic Training for Mediators in Belgrade

Partners Serbia, in cooperation with ADR Partners and Serbian National Association of Mediators (NUMS) is organizing new Basic Training for Mediators, which will be held from 19 to 23 February 2019, a...

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PROJECT: Defending the Right to Access to Information in Serbia

PROJECT: Defending the Right to Access to Information in Serbia

In December 2018, Partners Serbia began implementing the project Defending the Right to Access to Information in Serbia, supported by the Open Society Foundation, Serbia. The aim of this ten-month in...

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Partners Serbia celebrate tenth birthday

Partners Serbia celebrate tenth birthday

The past week, in which we celebrated the first ten years of our work, was marked by a series of events, organized in cooperation with our partnering organizations. On Thursday, November 1, 2018, at...

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Conference “10 Years of Partnering for Change”

Conference “10 Years of Partnering for Change”

Partners Serbia cordially invites you to the Conference on marking the 10 years of our organization’s work, which will be held on 2 November 2018, 10:00, Dorćol Platz, Dobračina 59, Belgrade. Our int...

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“10 Years Of Partnering for Change”

“10 Years Of Partnering for Change”

Partners Serbia has the great pleasure of marking the 10-Year Anniversary of our work. We plan to celebrate this momentous occasion with a series of activities scheduled for 1-2 November 2018, when...

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Business Breakfast “Commercial Mediation”

Business Breakfast “Commercial Mediation”

On the occasion of marking the 10th Anniversary of work, Partners Serbia, in cooperation with ADR Partners d.o.o, has a great pleasure of inviting you to Business Breakfast “COMMERCIAL MEDIATION – fro...

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Commercial Mediation – From Destructive Conflict to Constructive Resolution

Commercial Mediation – From Destructive Conflict to Constructive Resolution

Partners Serbia in cooperation with ADR Partners d.o.o. is organizing a Business Breakfast COMMERCIAL MEDIATION From Destructive Conflict to Constructive Resolution on Thursday, 1 November 2018, 0...

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Mediation Advocacy Training Organized in Kragujevac

Mediation Advocacy Training Organized in Kragujevac

Partners Serbia, in cooperation with the Bar Association Kragujevac, organized 2-day training “Mediation Advocacy – Representing Clients in Mediation”, on 28 and 29 September, in Kragujevac for 36 law...

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